Fragsurf Update 3.2.0
Weapon Skins
We plan to roll out more features with skins over time, such as random drops and crates, but for now, it's quite simple. Buy a skin, equip it, kill other players with it. You can equip different skins in-game and see what skins other people have equipped on their 3d models as well as when spectating them.
Limited items will only be available during special events such as holidays and tournaments. Once they are taken off the store, they can no longer be purchased, however, anybody who owns Limited items gets to keep them and trade them as they wish.
You might notice that skins have various name colors, this indicates the rarity of that skin.
- White is Common
- Blue is Uncommon
- Green is Rare
- Yellow is Limited
All transactions are processed through the security of Steam, we do not collect or have access to any of your information.
Fragsurf will never be pay to win, all items listed in the store are purely cosmetic.
Shotgun Buff
The shotgun was feeling quite lackluster. It packs a lot more punch now.
- More damage
- Shoots one additional pellet
- Reduced spread
- Reduced damage falloff
New Main Menu
We've been stuck with an old UI system for ages. I tried updating it to make things better but ultimately, it'd have to be redone from scratch. With the addition of the item store, it was finally time to redo it. The new main menu is built on some new systems developed for Fragsurf's gamemodes during our initial revamp of the game.
- Home page / stats screen
- Play screen with improved map filtering + official map selection
- Inventory
- Item store
- New settings menu with improved ux & controls
- More useful warning box when failing to create and join games
- New developer console